
Cultural Gaslighting is our (New) Reality

Despite its overuse as a catch-all term for emotionally abusive or manipulative behavior, “gaslighting” is still an important term to convey the harm of verbal abuse that serves to distort the reality of victims to blame them for the violence they have suffered.  When this occurs through popular discourse about a minority group to blame them for the collective violence they suffer, then this “cultural gaslighting” also serves to reinforce systemic discrimination and bias against this group.  
The Jewish community has been subject to unrelenting cultural gaslighting ever since the world responded to 07 October by blaming Jews for being murdered, kidnapped, and suffering profane forms of genocidal violence from Hamas.  It operates through the popular terms and narratives that are used to describe what occurred and what is occurring right now, disseminated through social media and search engines.
List of terms that appeared on LinkedIn to refine the search for “Israel,” Feb. 13, 2024

The cultural gaslighting of the Jewish community is becoming increasingly impossible to ignore in the cannabis industry, as young cannabis activists are publicly calling for the death of Zionists and the destruction of the state of Israel on social media.  Just this week, a young activist in the industry called for the death of all Zionists by way of explaining their objection to the presence of Israelis on any panels at cannabis conferences.

The fact that they cannot see the patent absurdity and cruelty of their “advocacy” indicates just how effective the cultural gaslighting of the Jewish community has been in distorting the reality of 07 October and inciting more violence against Jews. This is not surprising, as we know that discourse plays an important role in how we see and think about minority groups.

However, in the case of gaslighting, discourse also serves to “erase” the violence that victims have suffered from the public forum and deny them the empathy they deserve.  This is why Jewish advocates have called out the media and advocacy groups for their complicity in the erasure of Jewish suffering. For example, the hashtag “#metoounlessurajew” serves to advocate for the Jewish women raped by Hamas and oppose the erasure of the crime by women’s groups that refuse to acknowledge it or express their support. (For more information, visit

Since 07 October, in my position as the Editor-In-Chief of Cannabis Jew Magazine, I have personally  been disinvited from appearing on a Christian cannabis podcast ( I would not agree to remain silent about the Jewish hostages; for the host, a matter of “politics” not relevant to health, wellness and ethics), trolled for supporting the right of Israel to exist and for identifying as Jewish (in all fairness, it might be bots telling me that I’m not a Jew but instead should  identify as a “Hebrew”).

All of this speaks to the importance of a Jewish voice in the cannabis press, Jewish representation on diversity panels and statements of support for the Jewish community from advocacy groups that claim to care about supporting minorities in the cannabis industry.

In response to the nature and extent of this cultural gaslighting, Cannabis Jew Magazine is launching a directory of Jewish friendly companies in the cannabis industry next month, available only to subscribers.  The Jewish community has a vested interest in working with professionals who do not believe the antisemitic hype, and are capable of solidarity and empathy with Jewish suffering.

Imagine how different the narrative about the war would be if the discourse about Israel was informed by what Hamas actually did and what Jews have suffered:

It’s hard to explain how the sheer volume of cultural gaslighting of Israelis and Jews inflicted through every media outlet, every day, affects our psychic life and temperament.  Let’s just say I understand why Larry David was triggered when Elmo was lecturing him about mental health, and comically tried to shut him up on the Today Show.  I was also not surprised that public opinion sided with Elmo rather than the Jew who lost his temper because apparently, it’s easier for the world to respect a puppet rather than the right of Israel—and the Jewish people—to exist.



Mensch of the Month: James Gude

This month we honour Gude as our Mensch of the Month for his empathy, solidarity, and devotion to supporting minority groups in the cannabis space.

How Cannabis ‘Restores’ the Self: Trauma, Injury, and Broken Timelines

Part of the reason why it’s hard to take seriously this notion of a “restored self” as a medical benefit of cannabinoid therapy is because we tend to think about PTSD as a pathology of memory or repression that can be cured with the right therapist or strain of weed.  

Cannabis Refutes Mind-Body Dualism: Can Medicine and Tech Keep Up?

It has given me no small amount of pleasure to learn that Israeli researchers are finding that with regard to understanding the medical benefits of cannabis, the biomedical model—based on mind-body dualism—just doesn't work.

GrowDirector is the AI Assistant You May Fall in Love With

As I was reading about this system that perpetually collects and analyzes environmental data in the grow room to correct for any problems before they occur, I kept thinking about a grower I know who spends most of his time collecting that data himself, and rarely leaves work.



Mensch of the Month: James Gude

This month we honour Gude as our Mensch of the Month for his empathy, solidarity, and devotion to supporting minority groups in the cannabis space.

How Cannabis ‘Restores’ the Self: Trauma, Injury, and Broken Timelines

Part of the reason why it’s hard to take seriously this notion of a “restored self” as a medical benefit of cannabinoid therapy is because we tend to think about PTSD as a pathology of memory or repression that can be cured with the right therapist or strain of weed.  

Cannabis Refutes Mind-Body Dualism: Can Medicine and Tech Keep Up?

It has given me no small amount of pleasure to learn that Israeli researchers are finding that with regard to understanding the medical benefits of cannabis, the biomedical model—based on mind-body dualism—just doesn't work.


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