
Tag: White Jew


Editor’s Spiel | Psychic Life of a Remnant

In the tradition of Dr. Franz Fanon and his classic work Black Skin, White Masks (1952), we can think about being-Ashkenazi in terms of the psychic scars suffered from being racialized and living in the world as a remnant.

When Healers Become Haters: Activism and the Limits of Empathy

How can I relate to the other’s experience of the world if I have no access to it, precisely because it is so different from mine?

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Why We Need to Teach Philosophy of Cannabis 101

If the aim is to empower students to improve the cannabis industry, then we need to teach Philosophy of Cannabis to question and disrupt the reproduction of systemic inequalities that characterize every industry in our late-stage capitalist economy.

Mensch of the Month: Dedi Meiri

Associate Professor David (Dedi) Meiri is at the forefront...

Editor’s Spiel | Coates’ Message: Jews are ‘Just White’

Coates refuses to consider what it means to exist as a remnant of our people, violently removed from the world in the European-wide effort to achieve a “final solution” to the problem of Jews—an existential threat to the white race. 

Why I’m Stoked for Yom Kippur This Year

Yom Kippur is not exactly a holiday that we...

Editor’s Spiel | Reflections on the Cannabis Industry and Community After October 7th

The reason we expected more support and empathy from the cannabis community relates to the pivotal role that Israeli Jews have played in the history of cannabis research and advocacy, supported by a culture that values life over politics, guided by the Jewish effort to reduce suffering to repair the world (tikkun olam).
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