
CJM Forum

Israeli Tech Growers Want: GemmaCert

When I attended a post-secondary program on Cannabis Cultivation in the winter of 2023, we had a series of local Licensed Producers visit our...

Mensch of the Month: Dr. Av Singh

Av Singh, PhD., PAg is a proponent of regenerative organic cannabis production, being engaged in projects across six continents.  Av has had the privilege of visiting over...

Canna-Jewish Holiday Guide

Yom Kippur is not exactly a holiday that we look forward to, observed by not-eating while we spend the day consumed with critical self-inquiry...

Notes on Kosher Cannabis

Although it may seem from the mainstream press that the question of what makes cannabis kosher has been settled, things are rarely (if ever)...

Aaron Genuth Feels the Love at the Chassidic Psychedelic Pushkina Festival

Aaron Genuth is a journalist, advocate, and entrepreneur who has worked extensively in the cannabis and psychedelic spaces for over a decade. He has...

Editor’s Spiel: Cannabis Advocacy is a Jewish Issue

Ultimately the distinction between the recreational and medical use of cannabis rests on the ideological (and colonialist) insistence that there is no therapeutic value in “getting high,” or consuming cannabis to alter one’s state of consciousness. 

Canna-Jewish Book Review: Dr. Peter Grinspoon Keeps it Real and Continues the Family Legacy

The Grinspoons are like the First Jewish Family of Cannabis Activists, so it felt like kizmet when I received the opportunity to review Dr....



Don't miss

Mensch of the Month: James Gude

This month we honour Gude as our Mensch of the Month for his empathy, solidarity, and devotion to supporting minority groups in the cannabis space.

How Cannabis ‘Restores’ the Self: Trauma, Injury, and Broken Timelines

Part of the reason why it’s hard to take seriously this notion of a “restored self” as a medical benefit of cannabinoid therapy is because we tend to think about PTSD as a pathology of memory or repression that can be cured with the right therapist or strain of weed.  

Cannabis Refutes Mind-Body Dualism: Can Medicine and Tech Keep Up?

It has given me no small amount of pleasure to learn that Israeli researchers are finding that with regard to understanding the medical benefits of cannabis, the biomedical model—based on mind-body dualism—just doesn't work.

GrowDirector is the AI Assistant You May Fall in Love With

As I was reading about this system that perpetually collects and analyzes environmental data in the grow room to correct for any problems before they occur, I kept thinking about a grower I know who spends most of his time collecting that data himself, and rarely leaves work.

Editor’s Spiel | Psychic Life of a Remnant

In the tradition of Dr. Franz Fanon and his classic work Black Skin, White Masks (1952), we can think about being-Ashkenazi in terms of the psychic scars suffered from being racialized and living in the world as a remnant.
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