
CJM Forum

Kvel or Kvetch? Canna-Jewish Product Review of Stewart Farms Recovery Balms and Creams

Absorbtion vs. Consumption on Yom Kippur Since it’s almost time for Yom Kippur (see the Canna-Jewish Holiday Guide), I’m sharing the results of my experiments...

Cannabis in Mexico and Israel: A Promising Path to the Future

By: Lior Yafe  In recent years, the cannabis industry has emerged as a focal point of global debate, challenging long-held stigmas and advocating for a...

Canna-Jewish Holiday Guide: Hoping for a Hannukah Miracle

The “festival of lights” is upon us, and I’m hoping for a Hannukah miracle to get all of the hostages back from Hamas and...

Mensch of the Month: Tanner Stewart

I believe you can be in support of protecting Gazan civilians, support Israel, and stand against antisemitism all at the same time, but the key is to stand.

To Advocate for Medical Cannabis, #Stand With Israel

The cannabis industry has a special responsibility to support Israel and defend Jews against those who deny our right to exist, since our resilience and recovery paved the way for the medical cannabis industry and its moral compass.  

There Are No ‘White Jews’

The conjunction “White Jew” used to designate Ashkenazi Jews white-enough to be White is meant to signify both our racial and ethnic identities, but instead places them in a mutually exclusive relation such that I cannot identify as both White and Jewish at the same time.  

How Can We Honour Dr. Mechoulam’s Legacy?

The inaugural issue of Cannabis Jew Magazine was inspired by the desire to honour Dr. Raphael Mechoulam (zt''l) not just as the "father of...

Cannabis Rabbinics with Yoseph Leib Needelman-Ruiz (Ibn Mardachya)

Yoseph Needelman-Ruiz a.k.a. Yoseph Leib Ibn Mardachya is the author of Cannabis Chassidis: The Ancient and Emerging Torah of Drugs (Autonomedia press, 2012); an...



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Mensch of the Month: James Gude

This month we honour Gude as our Mensch of the Month for his empathy, solidarity, and devotion to supporting minority groups in the cannabis space.

How Cannabis ‘Restores’ the Self: Trauma, Injury, and Broken Timelines

Part of the reason why it’s hard to take seriously this notion of a “restored self” as a medical benefit of cannabinoid therapy is because we tend to think about PTSD as a pathology of memory or repression that can be cured with the right therapist or strain of weed.  

Cannabis Refutes Mind-Body Dualism: Can Medicine and Tech Keep Up?

It has given me no small amount of pleasure to learn that Israeli researchers are finding that with regard to understanding the medical benefits of cannabis, the biomedical model—based on mind-body dualism—just doesn't work.

GrowDirector is the AI Assistant You May Fall in Love With

As I was reading about this system that perpetually collects and analyzes environmental data in the grow room to correct for any problems before they occur, I kept thinking about a grower I know who spends most of his time collecting that data himself, and rarely leaves work.

Editor’s Spiel | Psychic Life of a Remnant

In the tradition of Dr. Franz Fanon and his classic work Black Skin, White Masks (1952), we can think about being-Ashkenazi in terms of the psychic scars suffered from being racialized and living in the world as a remnant.
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